Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Foot Eating


LindyK said...

Hemingway... nicely done, SafeT!

Dr Maroon said...

SafeT, I've just tried out your select-a-cog thing. That must have taken a few nights up the attic. When o when is the spare room getting painted?

SafeTinspector said...

The wife is in charge of the spare room and applying a finish to the tot's new bed.

And...well...I'm the restless sort.

redhead83402 said...

hey Mr T, speaking of the cog selector, I know I'm only in the strips like twice, but sheesh, don't I get to be selected? (Pouting heavily here!)(better watch that 4.5 extension... I might just go all lorena, now... )

Kim Ayres said...

The selector is for selecting the author of the strips. If you write a script then you'll get a place on the selector (dig, dig)

Dr Maroon said...

...once again the firm but fair voice of the part-time calvinist brought the unruly pack into line.
How can you have your pudding if you won't eat your meat?