Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Damien Rice

Who the fuck is Damien Rice? Is this one that's more meaningful to the Irish contingent, or am I just totally un-hip and un-happening, man?


Twenty Major said...

Erm, only Damien Rice is supposed to be dead in end. Because I killed him, you see.

This is the cunt here -

Kim Ayres said...

OK, I've made the change, but next time you'll need to be clearer in your script.

"Panel 3 - Images: 20M and damienrice dead"

I read that as both of you being dead

Binty McShae said...

shit man..... why does Damien Rice look like me in this cartoon? except with a bit more facial hair.

Justin said...

You could make it a team project, and your contributers could make the comics directly. I suppose It would mean making some kind of template or something for regularity.

Binty McShae said...

C'mon Justin! Would YOU let us lot loose in your backyard? I can picture the chaos now.......

Kim Ayres said...

Actually, Justin, this has got potential. The only problem is that judging by the problems most people have encountered trying to create a cartoon character and post it to me, the level of digital art expertise is relatively low in this group.

However, if someone has a working knowledge of Photoshop and fancies sharing some of the workload, then I'd happily send the templates across (assuming they have broadband too).

How are your Photoshop skills Justin? And are you wanting to send a cartoon version of yourself to add to this group?

Dr Maroon said...

I suggested that he and others should.

"OK, I've made the change, but next time you'll need to be clearer in your script."

You're so strict!

LindyK said...

Binty, you look like Damien Rice? Hmm... well at least you don't look like Bono...

Binty McShae said...

No, not in real life.... I just saw the Damien Rice cartoon and thought for a sec it was the one of me. Same eyes and mouth.

Shit, what the fuck am I saying? I'm finding dopplegangers in south-park-world.... twat!

Justin said...

My photoshop skills = Can't afford photoshop. Otherwise excelent. Ha ha. I'll just take the role of faithful reader for the moment, thank you.