El Barbudo
Respect for men who grow beards and women who aren’t afraid of their power. Hates people who refuse to take responsibility for their own life. God is a Cunt

Kim Ayres
Ex web designer with a degree in philosophy. Trying to deal with a mid-life crisis by turning his life upside down to become a writer

Gorilla Bananas
A mature gorilla who has spent most of his youth in human society as a bemused observer

Foot Eater
A body mechanic with the social skills of a cadaver

Joke Mail
A fondness for jokes. Is responsible for more cluttered email boxes than he cares to think about.

Bouncy, morally loose and fond of kippers. She wears high heels and has delightful ankles.

Twenty Major
Says he hates zany profiles so he'd better send his own

Anti Barney
If your a purple dinosaur, you're fucked.

Binty McShae
Exporting the finer aspects of Scottish Culture to South East Asia

Dr Maroon
Fuck! I don't believe my eyes! Dr Maroon is trying to look young and boyish so the women will want to mother him. I bet he looks far more like Captain Haddock from Tin Tin in reality, only with more grey hair.

Sexy Beauty
Arty airy strumpet crumpet

An argumentative little prick (hung like a bunny) with no respect for copyright laws

Don't be fooled by that sweet smile and alluring charm: that beer glass will be smashed over your head if you take too long to pay for your candy.

Slim Lindy
Beneath every prim librarian is a bookslut waiting to get out...

Dr Evil Scientist
What's the point of having a world if you can't take it over?

He inspects tweed, burlap and hungarian lace. This is all he does, which leaves him with more free time than any robot you know

When she is up she is up, and when she is down she is down.

A photographer and a sex-a-holic; highly addicted to caffeine products; sarcastic.

Yes I have 5 children and this is my real waistline. Want to make something of it?

Anonymous Commenter
This is the face of the annoying arsehole who thinks he's so clever by slagging off your blog while hiding his face. With thanks to Binty McShae for creating this one
Shit, the same tie as El Barbudo and the eyes of Jokemail. Oh, who cares.
They're meant to be fishnet tights!
I wasn't far off then SB. Send us a written profile you'd like up there instead then.
Arty airy strumpet crumpet
Trust me, I don't want them to mother me.
The two women haven't disappointed.
How sad is that? Am now fantasising over identikits?
"...that beer glass will be smashed over your head if you take too long to pay for your candy."
That'll do nicely.
er....there is no capitol I in SafeTinspector!
Its all part of this teamwork thing I've been working through internally.
hehehehehe ~ LOVE it! Thank you Kim and el B :-D ~Smoochies~ to thee!
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